Vaughan kanns. Ich weiß jetzt zwar nicht, wieviel der supervisende Herr Whedon sich einmischt und was somit wirklich auf seinem Mist gewachsen ist, das Zusammenspiel zwischen Giles und Faith ist jedenfalls erste Sahne. Dabei wird nämlich die "Ripper"-Vergangenheit des letzten Wächters in Spiel gebracht und die Tatsache, daß er und Faith sich gar nicht so unähnlich sind.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob Vaughan vielleicht sogar ein kleines bißchen übertreibt mit dem Buff-Speak, können tut er's jedenfalls. Gefällt mir. Und wie immer noch ein paar Zitate:
Giles: "I'm going to help you fit into High Society in time for you to attend the fancy dress party that Lady Genevieve is throwing for her nineteenth birthday."
Faith: "They seriously call their fancy dress parties 'fancy dress parties'? You Limeys are even uptight when you get down."
Faith: "They seriously call their fancy dress parties 'fancy dress parties'? You Limeys are even uptight when you get down."
Xander zum Sandsack: "Fear my awesome power! For lo, like Kurt Russell before me, I am a formidable eyepatch-clad opponent. And lest you think I refer to Captain Ron, let me assure you that the one-eyed character of which I speak is none other than the mighty Snake Plissken, who taught me the very ass-handing I'm about to deliver unto you."
Buffy, sich reingeschlichen habend: "Careful, Xander... you're going to taunt that poor bag right off its chain."
X: "That's a negatory. Giles has been incommunicado for a few weeks now. But i'm sure he's got too many new books that need shelving to worry about a classic that's already been checked out, you know? - Um, not that anyone is checking you out, of course. Not anyone here, I mean. In this gym. Right now. Also, has anyone seen where I left my bad analogy?"
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