It somehow confirmes my humble drawing-skills that the following occured in the process: I started penciling The Old Man without the wrinkles, therefore the drawing bearing not so much resemblance to him - but to Hotdog.... huh. You could think the actors playing Adama and Hotdog are kinda related... ;
I'm very satisfied with the work and the inking went noticeably faster. I grow accustomed to my Wacom :)
4 Kommentare:
You took a couple of pounds off of him, I see :D
Ok, even risking giving you a major tantrum: he looks kinda young in his face. Is it supposed to be like that? Why not give him some more age lines?
Just curious.
Hm, well the lost pounds suit him I think - the reference ended beneath his hands so I had to improvise.
But I don't think he looks too young. Plus, you have to be very careful with lines in the face, you can't draw any wrinkle or the face looks just crap. So I just drew the "major" ones - compared to the lines I ususally put into the faces of my works he's got lots of them. Has to be enough.
Bei den Pfunden geh ich mit - wobei Olmos da sicher nichts dagegen hat ;)
Aber die Falten - nee, zu jung sieht er IMO wirklich nicht aus. Weiß eh nicht, was Roslin an dem alten Sack findet *husthust*
Hmm, ist sicherlich Geschmackssache. Aber ich bin wie immer absolut begeistert von deiner künstlerischen Ader, Batch. Die Investition in das Tablett hat sich, denke ich mal, auf jeden Fall gelohnt. :)
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