Nothing new on the coloring front, I just relied on my old process of lots of layers. Went much faster than with the mouse, just as I hoped. In fact, I was much much faster with the coloring than with the inking. It took ages to "draw" over the pencils with the pen. It was pretty hard to draw lines on the tablet while looking at the screen, because you just see indirectly what you're drawing. Got faster at the end, I'm optimistic to master that when working on the next projects (being the pre-mentioned already finished pencils of Adama, Tyrol and Baltar). Hopefully I'll learn to draw convex curves with that, 'cause I can't turn the tablet like I used to do with the paper...
Anyway, the digital ink has very great advantages, illustrated below. I can experiment more - if you compare the inked face with the penciled one you see the difference. Details I couldn't have drawn with a fineliner plus the priceless ability to erase (yeah, my pen has an eraser at the back, just turn around and erase... :) ), enabling me to loosen myself from the pencils and just rework in the inking process. Well, let's see how Adama's face will turn out - since it's just a portrait the pencils themselves are more detailed and I can work on a deeper level...

6 Kommentare:
Absolutely amazing! Nice job you are doing with the tablet - and I admit I am jealous that you got the big one. Ok, I love my little white Wacom, but still...
Can't wait to see your Adama piece, he's got so much expression on his face ... are you going for an early season Adama or for a later season image?
It will be a season four Adama. In fact, all the BSG pics are based on season 4 promos. I'll probably tell the interesting story of the miraculous transformation of Hotdog into Adama during the drawing process in an own post ;).
Well, I learned of their 'special relationship' only after watching "The Last Fraking Special" yesterday. I did not know that :D
tststs... I'll delve into this in the Adama-drawing-posting ;).
The Wacom-Tablet is pretty big btw. I remember a colleague of mine telling me his A5-tablet was to small for him and he'd buy an A4 one. The whole tablet (so drawing area plus the "frame" area) is longer than my 15.4 inch notebook and it's not easy to draw a line from one corner to the diagonally opposite one. I made the right decision, A4 would've been much too big for me.
Well, I am curiously awaiting your drawing *shuts up about this now*
And one day you gonna have to show me how you do the coloring. I just can't get it right. That's why I stick with outlines.
@Coloring: In general, I still follow the process described by Melissa Clifton. It's more technique than art - I'm seriously thinking about taking some basic art classes. I'm a sucker at shadow and light, I'm completly lost without a reference because I sorta never know where the light and dark areas are supposed to be.
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